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Baby, Mom

September Is The New January

September 13, 2015

September is the new January, wouldn’t you agree? The season of change will soon be upon us and what better time to reevaluate our goals! Any New Year Resolutions that may have been forgotten by mid-February, it’s a new opportunity to dust ourselves off, pull up our socks and get going again. I mean, why wait until next January to make big changes, right?

Here are some of my New Years Resolutions I’m re-igniting this fall!

Make my health a priority

I’ve really stepped it up and started making my health a priority by scheduling workouts into my planner. Every Sunday I sit down with my husband and we figure out what nights of the weeks are going to work for me to go to the gym. I try to go to classes at the gym after my son is asleep so I don’t miss our bedtime routine. I also go for a quick 3-5 km jog on my lunch break. I’ve also stepped up my meal prep and making good choices and NOT eating muffins and baked goods. Those are my weakness. I’ve been using Iso Protein 100 after my workouts and making shakes like this one.

Give 110% at work and on my blog

I had 5 weeks off while my sons daycare was closed and had a blast recharging my batteries for whats sure to be a busy fall season with my day-job. I’m going to be on the road and travelling lots which will be a really cool experience but also tiring so I’ll need to keep my energy up throughout. In terms of my blog, I’ve taken over the creation of the weekly Ladies Collective Linkup which will keep me busy and I’ve also connected with some amazing WAHMs to offer some really cool giveaways over the next little bit. I’m excited to share what’s in the works!

Make time for my husband

My family means everything to me and without them I’d have nothing. My goal is to spend as much of my spare time with them as possible. That’s why I like to go to the gym after the bed time routine is over. But even still, then I’m missing out on alone time with my husband. Having alone time with just him is so important to me. It’s fun to just joke around and be with him the way it was before our baby. We haven’t found a baby sitter and I don’t really have a desire to leave him with anyone to go out with just my husband. Not yet, anyway!

Spend quality time with my family

I’ve signed my son up for swimming lessons (parents & tot) and Kindermusik on the weekends and my husband and I will alternate taking him so we both get to go to the classes. This will be not only really great for our son but so wonderful for us to have activities and a chance to bond on the weekends through out the fall and winter. It was so easy to just go to the water park or go for a walk at the water front during the summer but over the next few months we will need to be more thoughtful with our planning for activities and the weather will become a huge consideration.

How are you making September the new January? Are you setting any goals or making any changes?

Stephanie @ MommyzoidPS: I’ll be sharing this post on these blogs!

Baby, Giveaway

Love To Swaddle UP – Giveaway

September 1, 2015

Love To Swaddle UP Review & Giveaway | Mommyzoid

Just like majority of infants, our little guy looooved to be swaddled up in a cozy swaddling blanket. But he always managed to get his arms out of the dang blankey. I mean, we would wrap him up so tight and he’d manage to get out of his little baby straight jacket every single time. We tried the swaddles that keep babies hands pinned to their sides but he screamed bloody murder. He wanted to move his hands and I get that! I like having the freedom to move around at night, too.

Enter the Love To Swaddle UP. It’s genius design keeps baby covered, just like other swaddles, but allows baby to have the freedom to move their arms wherever they please and self soothe. The shape  of the body also allows baby the freedom to spread their legs a bit, a natural sleeping position for a little baby.

Love To Swaddle UP Review & Giveaway | Mommyzoid

I haven’t had the pleasure of giving the Love To Swaddle UP a test drive because my little one ain’t so little anymore BUT from my experience with other swaddles, this is EXACTLY what my son was begging us for. He didn’t want to be pinned down like a little burrito. He wanted the freedom but we wanted him to be wrapped up and cozy.

Love To Swaddle UP Review & Giveaway | Mommyzoid

Let’s just say we can’t wait to use the Love To Swaddle UP on our next little bundle of joy. Nope, that’s not a pregnancy announcement 😛 !!

The fabric is so nice and cozy and the detail of the grey and white trim is perfect for a little baby boy or girl.

Love To Swaddle UP Review & Giveaway | Mommyzoid

Check out this feature. There is space for the car seat buckle so baby can wear this during long road trips or even on those night time drives when you’re trying to get babe to fall to sleep and then easily slip them into the crib without waking them up. This would have saved us a time or two! Especially the time we drove halfway across the country with a 4 week old!

Love To Swaddle UP Review & Giveaway | Mommyzoid

I love that there is a two way zipper so you can easily zip up from the bottom for a quick diaper change instead of taking the zipper down from the top and risking baby loosing all that magical sleepy dust!

Love To Swaddle UP Review & Giveaway | Mommyzoid

Available in:


Gray, Blue, & Pink


X-Small: 4.5-7 lbs.

Small: 6.5-13 lbs.

Medium: 13-19 lbs.

Large: 19-24 lbs.


93% Cotton, 7% Elastane

Drum roll! Now it’s time for you to try to score your very own. Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below! You can even come back each day to give yourself more chances! This contest is open to Canadian entrants ONLY. Best of luck, pals!!

Baby, Family

Letting Our Kid Be A Kid In Nature

August 24, 2015

This viral video was posted on my mom’s Facebook group and when I watched it I was a bit sad but so relieved because my husband and I have always kept nature and the great outdoors high on the priority list for our little one.

Every summer my husband and I head to his families cottage on Lake Ontario and we spend time walking barefoot, eating from the garden, exploring the shores and swimming for hours on end. Before we had kids I’d always say how amazing it would be to have all this at your fingertips as a kid. My husband grew up on the very same island and spent his summers building forts, playing with other islanders and being a real kid. He had he childhood you could only dream of. It was full of adventures and memories that have shaped him into the wonderful person he is today.

Now that we have our first child, spending time at the cottage is even more important. Giving our son idyllic summers in the sun is our goal. For three weeks this summer we spent time feeding the chickens, watching the lambs, eating vine ripened tomatoes and splashing in the waves. Our goal is to make the natural world a big part of our children’s lives from a very young age.

Here’s how we let our 14-month-old explore nature:

  1. Let Them Be – He takes his time and takes it all in. He is always reminding me to stop and smell the roses. As a busy mom I always have the urge to rush him to day care and home for dinner or off to swimming lessons but what he gains from stopping and touching, looking, and learning is invaluable.
  2. Ask Them Questions – Any chance for our 14 month old to hear new words is so important. When we see a bird he’s never seen before I will say, “Is that a hawk? Do you see the hawk in the sky? Wave hello to the hawk, Oliver.” Sometimes I feel a tad foolish but what’s really foolish is not taking that teachable moment by the horns.
  3. Give Them A Task – We taught our son to pick some grass and stick it into the coop to feed the chickens! He feels a huge sense of accomplishment when he successfully gets his blades of grass into the coop and is so satisfied by helping feed the chickens.

We are fortunate to have a place to take our kids in the summers but through-out the rest of the year we have to be very cognizant of getting our little one outside in nature because we live in a condo with a small porch. Going outside can be a big production if you let it be. A simple walk around the block or a trip to the park to enjoy nature is all it takes to keep building that love of the great outdoors. <3

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 11.14.32 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 11.16.28 PM Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 11.15.55 PM

How do you help instill a life long love of nature in your children?

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these fabulous blogs!



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Baby, Family, Mom and Baby

Universal Child Care Benefit – Vote Buying?

July 19, 2015

Canadian families all across our great land are waking up to inflated bank accounts this week, thanks to the federal government of Canada. But I’m really worried. I’m worried the federal Conservative government is using the parents who need this money the most to buy some votes.

What would I like to see? A national childcare program so women can financially justify their return to work. Now that would be money well spent! It’s hard for a mom to justify forking over apx. $1600 a month for childcare for two kids when she would gladly take care of them her self!

So the Harper government is clearly trying to swindle us families by giving us some money. Heck, us Canadian families deserve that money. But we also deserve to have a national childcare plan. That would be super sweet.

And if you do the math, cheaper childcare vs cheques from the government end up saving more families more money in the long run.

This fall I urge you to exercise your right to vote and research the issues that matter most to parents, families & kids.

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid


PS: I’ll be sharing this post on here blogs!


Baby, Giveaway

Water Ring Sling Giveaway

July 16, 2015

My blogger pal Iulia from The Best of Baby is giving away this GORGEOUS ring sling that’s meant for the water. How awesome is that colour!? We are just getting into ring slings over at my home and I’m really enjoying the simplicity of throwing baby on my hip and having the pressure taken off my body so I can stand up straight! Ring slings are really wonderful and great for quick up and downs.

Without further ado, here’s Iulia’s review!


 Iulia from Best of Baby was gifted a water ring sling in exchange for her honest opinion.  All opinions are her own.  Other participating bloggers were not compensated in any way.

Summer time is pool time!  But going to the pool with kids is vastly different than  it was before having kids.  The whole “lounging” term doesn’t really apply.  Wrangling?  Yes.  But lounging not so much.

The key to a successful pool trip is preparation.  Diapers, snacks, towels, toys, diapers (yes – worth mentioning again).  And if you have a baby?  You need some sort of containment device (especially if you have another child to attend to!)

Sure you can do floaties, and tubes, and vests and all that…but your best option?  The option that will let you keep your baby safe, snug, close, and still give you free hands?  A water sling! (THESE are my fay-vor-it!)

Baby wearing rocks.  It keeps babies happy and gives mom a good measure of hands-free freedom.  And baby wearing in the water is a whole other level of awesomeness.

Reasons Why Water Slings are Awesome!

1) Babies love it.   The chubby little monkeys love the darn things.  They’re close to mama, but they still get to splash to their hearts content.

2) Mamas love it.  Free (and weightless) baby snuggles.

3) It keeps babies restrained.  Without the sling, many babies will want to just lunge face first at the water. Seeing as how babies can’t swim, that doesn’t work out to well for them (and mama probably isn’t too into wrestling either)

4) Makeshift sun protection.  You can use the tail as a wrap to keep the sun off of the baby’s or your shoulders.

5) HANDS FREE!  Wearing your baby in the pool frees up your hands…so you can wrangle your toddler.  (Ok, it’s at least a start on the hands free thing)

We searched up an down for the perfect water sling, but most were either too expensive, or looked like those fishnet stockings you wore in college (oh wait, you didn’t wear those?  me neither. nope.)

Enter these beautiful slings by Cute Awaking.

Tasha is a mother of 4.  She’s a crafter at heart, so in 2012 she put her creative talents in action and opened Cute Awaking.  At first, it started out as mostly crochet projects, but when her youngest was born in 2014, she was introduced to babywearing and fell in love! She started making her own wraps and slings, and when she realized that people really loved her work, she became completely CPSIA compliant. She follows all current safety standards and is a member of BCIA.

Her work is beautiful, well made, and affordable!

And she’s generously offering one Best of Baby (and other participating blogs) reader the chance to win a Cute Awaking. water ring sling of their choice.

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Baby Shower Gifts Moms Actually Want

July 11, 2015

Baby Shower Gifts Moms Actually Want

Whether you’ve been to what feels like thousands of showers or you’re a virgin to the baby shower scene, it’s hard to know what to get an expecting mother. It’s stressful, OK? But it doesn’t have to be.


First you need to figure out if you want to get a gift for Baby, Mom, or something the whole family can use.

In my personal experience, people LOVE buying things for baby. There is something about a pair of teeny tiny Converse that are just so unbearably cute. BUT the times I’ve given gifts that were meant to pamper mom have all gone over really well.


I’ve given one expecting mommy friend a gift card to a spa. I wanted to give her something she wouldn’t have done for herself otherwise which was take time for herself and spend the afternoon relaxing before the big day.

Another great gift I did for an expecting mom was do a breastfeeding care package. I had known breastfeeding was something she wanted to be successful with so I got her some nipple shields, breast pads (like these ones from Cake Lingerie!), and nipple cream (like this one from Anointment!). All things a new mom might think she’ll buy if she needs them but if you’ve been there, you know it’s better to just have it all on hand post-partum than try and waddle to the store or worse explain what you need to your hubby or mom.

It’s easy to forget mom in all the excitement of a new baby but there are quite a few things mom is going to need in those following days.


Each mom is going to have different tastes in baby clothes and different parenting styles. In other words you don’t want to show up to a baby shower for a cloth diapering mom with a jumbo Costco sized box of Huggies.

I know it’s a wild idea but just ask her what she wants. and if she has a registry, use it! Even a lot of local baby boutiques are able to have registries. You can’t go wrong if you just get something they asked for!

If you’re at a loss, there are a few things that you can’t go wrong with:

Aden + Anais swaddle blankets are a great gift that’s sure to be hit. You literally can’t have too many and there are soooo many prints. I’m a huge fan of the Organic Bamboo swaddles. I’ve even worn them as scarfs and nursing covers.

The NoseFrida Snotsucker is one of those gifts that may seem like a boring thing to give someone but it will be a life saver in those first few weeks. Plus it’s insanely fun to suck the snot right out of the babes nose! Baby-less folks are probably cringing and swearing off babies right now. Those traditional snuck sucking turkey baster looking things are impossible to clean properly and end up being a cess pool of bacteria.

Padraig slippers are one of those classic gifts that will go over well no matter what. They are made in Canada and are made by Artisans in Vancouver who are paid a living wage for their work! But remember to keep the receipt because there are a few colour choices! It’s hard to decide@


After the baby is born, mom and dad are going to be home bodies and leaving the house is going to be this monumental thing. But they are still going to need to eat! Frozen dinners like shepherd’s pie, lasagna, quiches or a gift card to a local pre-made dinner company like Dinner Envy…all those things are AMAZING gift ideas. Gift cards to local take out spots that deliver are also wonderful ideas. So is a gift card for a local cleaning service or even a gift card for a local indoor playground if they have older kids that are going to need some entertaining. These may seem like silly ideas but in those weeks following the great arrival of baby, these gifts will keep the family sane and they will be thanking you!


OK, it’s hard to resist little tiny things. I know, I was there.  But the best thing you can do for a mom is buy things that are a few sizes bigger. You know the expected mom has already done lots of shopping for newborn and 0-3 month clothes through out her pregnancy. Also grandparents LOVE a little retail therapy. I found I had sooo much 0-3 month clothing that he could have worn something new each and every day and there would still be things he never wore. Between gifts and hand me downs, those first few months are likely taken care of.

Just make sure you think ahead to what season it will be when the baby is wearing those outfits and keep all the tags and receipts. Carters is great for giving you one year to return items for a full refund and you literally can’t go wrong with their awesome, trendy clothes for tots! Amazing, right? And don’t be offended if they return what you bought!

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these blogs!

Baby, Mom

Finding Childcare

July 5, 2015

I began searching for daycares as soon as I found out I was pregnant, which is the norm in my city. It’s extremely difficult to find childcare downtown and close to my office. It was important to myself and my husband that we get accepted to a few different daycares and get the chance to select our favourite as opposed to settling for the only place we could get in to.

We learned a few things about childcare that always seem to amaze my childless friends so I’m going to share those with you on the off chance you are searching for daycare and are running into similar roadblocks.

So, what is the difference between a “Centre” and a “Day-Home”

Now when it comes to a “day home” or “in-home child care”, they won’t know until about a month before the opening will be available to you that there will even be an opening. This makes it extremely difficult to plan your return to work. There is a limit in Canada to the number of children being looked after by one child care provider (and I’m sure there is a limit in the US as well), so spots are difficult to find.

Centres are usually larger and offer more spots in a sort of school-like environment. They generally keep the kids in groups with their own age groups where a day-home is more of a family style and can have a range of ages.

1. Start your search early.

When you first get pregnant, start your hunt for child care. Start figuring out which places have a good reputation and which daycares you may want to stay away from. Ask around to your family and friends and find out which daycares come recommended. If you have any pregnancy or mom groups on Facebook, make a post looking for recommendations.

2. Get on every waiting list possible.

Majority of the waiting lists we put ourselves on still haven’t gotten back to us yet and it’s been 2+ year since we applied. That blows my mind! I found out day homes don’t generally take waiting lists and told me to call them a few months before I needed care to see if they had any openings. The only centre that has offered us a spot was through the Military which I was told was impossible to get a spot with, so go us!!

3. Know what you want out of your care provider.

We knew we wanted our son to be in a place he could continue wearing cloth diapers, drink pumped breast milk, and feel comfortable and safe. Essentially I wanted him to have all the comforts of home but with a loving care giver and other kids to learn and grow with. It’s important to start your search with an understanding of what is important for your families success with child care. I knew I was looking for someone who would take care of my son like I would, make him feel secure, and give him the room to try and learn on his own.

4. Location, location, location.

Where we live and work it is next to impossible to find child care. But as soon as you go outside the city about 20 minutes, you’ll find a whole bunch of child care providers. Our goal was to find childcare as close to where we work as possible because in the event of rush hour, I want to sit in traffic AFTER I’ve picked up my son because usually a contract stipulates that if the kid is not picked up by the cut off, you start paying per minute, which is completely fair! So if you live an hour away from work and your childcare provider is close to home, you are spending 2 hours of your day on the road while your kid is in childcare. Our childcare is close to work and close to our home because we live in a 10 minute radius of both of our jobs but we could move in the future and would still prefer to have childcare near work.

5. Site visit.

I figured out that a lot of the centres and child care providers didn’t give tours or site visits until they have an opening and they’ve contacted you for an interview. Bring your child along with you to the interview so they can meet one another and you can see if the child enjoys the environment and how the care giver interacts with your child.

6. Go with your gut.

My mother-in-law ran an in home daycare and she would have parents and children come through the door of her home and know instantly that it wasn’t going to be a good fit. She told me that you will just know when you’ve found the right child care provider. When we met the car giver we have decided to go with, we both just knew. I felt comfortable and at ease in her home. It felt cozy, I loved her wood toys, and really valued her thoughtfulness and the care and attention she puts into her programming. Her family and our family mesh well together in our parenting styles and I would feel comfortable in asking her for tips. We had the pleasure of meeting one of her daughters that our son would be in care with and if he turns out anything like her when he’s 3, I would be very happy!

Finding someone to look after your offspring is a very serious endeavour. Make sure you give it the time, planning, and consideration it deserves.

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these blogs!

Baby, Mom

Back To Work After Baby

July 2, 2015

I’m officially a “work-outside-the-home-mom” and I’ve got to say it feels phenomenal.

But why does everyone expect me to feel guilty and sad about being back at work?

For the last year and a half I was at home doing the pregnancy and baby thing. It was amazing. It was a period in my life I will never forget and I will be eternally happy I was able to have that time with my little boy.

But a bit of the time it sucked.

From what people tell me, my son was a very easy baby right from the get go. He sleeps well, he’s a great eater, and he’s very sweet and gentle. He’s really such a doll. I know from the outside everything looks perfect.

But the parts the outside world didn’t see is that my days were mostly void of adult conversations or interaction, I spent hours on end hooked up to my breast pump, and I was always in food crusted yoga pants. Anything my baby needed, I was there 24/7 for him. I didn’t get lunch breaks, sick days, holidays… nothing. Most days I felt like I was just keeping my head above water. Especially during the winter months, there were days we never left the house.

When it came time for my son to start day care, I didn’t know what to do with myself. He started daycare a month before I went back to work so he could have a nice smooth transition and I was there if he needed me. I would take him in the morning to daycare and then I’d have a few hours to get some chores done. It’s amazing how quickly you can clean your home when you don’t have a little baby chasing after you or getting into things.

After a few weeks at daycare we started to notice him make leaps and bounds in his development. He loves being around the other kids at daycare. He is always so happy when we pick him up. And you know what? So am I!

The time we do get to spend together is so much more special after we’ve spent some time apart. Our family time is so valuable and important now. When my husband comes in the door I don’t immediately feel like handing him the baby and heading out the door for some alone time. Since going back to work I spend more time with my husband and son, if you can believe it.

All in all it’s going so well. But it’s really all thanks to having an amazing care giver who treats my son like he’s one of her own. If he wasn’t having a good time where he was things wouldn’t be going so swell.

I certainly miss our morning snuggles and falling asleep together at all hours of the day. But you know what? I still get lots of snuggles. Sometimes once he’s fast asleep I go in and pick him up and rock him in our chair and tell him how much I love him and how glad I am to have him in my world. It’s a lot like Robert Munsch’s “Love You Forever” except less tears.

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

PS: I’ll be sharing this post HERE!

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One Year of Baby

June 27, 2015

There’s absolutely no way little Oliver has been in our lives for one whole year. Not because I’m in denial of the passage of time but because there doesn’t seem to be a plausible explanation for how fast time is slipping away. Time didn’t move this fast pre-children, did it?

Before O came into our life, the years melded together and time just kind of kept on trucking but we never noticed. Not that we didn’t mark the passage of time with each anniversary of a year spent together. We always celebrated our anniversaries. But now it’s different.

Now we have this tangible thing in our lives that is growing and evolving and transforming right before our eyes, or at least that’s how it seems. One night our little bean went to sleep with a big toothless grin and woke up with a tooth. That literally happened over night.

Our baby is a whole year old. What does that mean?

One year ago the most amazing thing happened to me. I went into labour & delivery a girl and I walked out a woman. All the things I’ve done and experienced in life were getting me ready for that moment when my husband would place our tiny little newborn on my chest and we would finally look face to face. I’d been dreaming of that moment for a long time.

This time last year he was a helpless little being laying on my chest making the tiniest little noises I’ve ever heard. and today he is loud, funny and has a lot to say. He has a wide vocabulary of words and is as smart as a whip. When he hears the bus coming down the road, he will scoot over to the window, pull himself up, point and say, “BUHH!!”.

He’s so loving. He has a doll he will try and feed his bottle. This is a trait I love to foster. He has always been very sensitive and knows when I am upset. Once I slipped on the ice and he saw me fall down and started crying. He feels my pain and it’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

We have another whole year of Oliver ahead and life has so much in store for us. I can’t wait to see what kinds of amazing things we have to say about this little kid this time next year.

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid


PS: I’ll be sharing these posts on these blogs!


OUCH! – When Babies Bite

May 29, 2015

5 Perks of Baby Led Weaning |

Although the signs of teething have been showing up on and off since 4 months old, our little guy has only just had his two  bottom teeth come through his gums. YAY! He’s been eating food since 6 months but now he can take real bites instead of gumming his food and he’s loving it.

When he was about 8 months old he started doing this adorable thing where he would latch onto your nose and it would make me laugh so hard and he would crack up laughing and it was all fun and games. Then he got teeth and now it’s totally not fun for me.

I knew this day would come. I was dreading it back when he started doing this adorable party trick. Now I have to help him understand that something that made mommy laugh now makes mommy’s nose hurt.

He also tries to “bite” my toes which is both scary and totally hilarious.

Here’s how we are trying to correct this behaviour:

1. Stop him before he starts.

You can see it about to happen. He’s about to lunge forward with his mouth open. Before he makes contact we take an open hand and place our finger tips against his mouth. This distracts him, stops him from making contact and he looks at me which is great for the next part.

2. Say “No Thank-You” and explain why.

Instead of saying “No”, we like to say No Thank-You so that he hears that language over and over and when he’s able to speak, we won’t have to remind him to say “Thank-You”. We also like to say what we don’t want him to do and why. When it comes to biting I usually say “because it hurts mommy” or something along those lines. He may be under a year old and some may see it as a waste of breath explaining to an infant why you don’t want them to do something but we see it as great practice for us because soon we will need to be explaining why and it’s a great chance for him to hear new words and not just “no” over and over again. Also I’d go insane if all I said was “no” all day long.

3.  Stay on them.

Once you start correcting behaviour like this, you have to keep on it. If you don’t stop them before they start every single time, they wont get the message. They’ll see that it’s OK sometimes and not OK others and they will get confused. I mean, that would confuse me!

4. Direct their attention else where.

Instead of dwelling on the biting, switch gears and give them a toy they can play with. In our case sometimes he’s a little confused that something that was funny and made us laugh is now something he’s discouraged to do. But then he’s reminded that there are so many other things he can do and play with that are equally as fun and make us laugh.

5. Say “I love you”.

You can’t say it enough. But after trying to correct behaviour I feel it’s great to remind them that you love them, care about them and you aren’t mad at them. There will always be times their behaviour may be a touch unsavoury but you don’t love them any less. So why not reassure them? Again,I don’t think you can over say the “I love yous”.

We have to remember he has no concept that he is hurting me and isn’t doing it to cause pain.

This is our course of action. It’s working, too! We are trying to correct this behaviour before it goes too far. He is in daycare now and the last thing we want to hear from our care provider is that he’s biting other kids. If we work hard to stop it now it will be over and dealt with before it comes a big deal.

Do you or have you had a biter? What did you do to stop the behaviour? Share with me in the comments, I’d love to hear!

Stephanie @ Mommyzoid

PS: I’ll be sharing this post here.

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