Baby, Mom

Dear Pregnant Mom…

January 30, 2015

Dear Pregnant Mom via www.mommyzoid.caDear Pregnant Mom,

I spent the last three months of pregnancy drifting between extreme happiness and extreme depression. Most of the time I felt sorry for myself. My body was stretching beyond recognition and I still couldn’t stop eating brie and olive & rosemary loaves. Plural. I tried to read articles about how I was a goddess with a miracle taking place inside of me but I couldn’t buy it. It was no miracle, it was a lot of hard work. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into creating that little life.

So many veteran moms told me, “enjoy being pregnant,” or to “enjoy the peace and quiet,” and I totally disregarded them and thought they were a$$holes for wishing something so awful on me. I just wanted this little thing out of me by any means necessary. Mostly I wanted to hold my damn baby but I also wanted to be able to sleep on my stomach again, (hah).

If I could go back in time I would tell myself this:

Enjoy peeing every half hour because soon there just wont be enough time to stop and pee.

Enjoy your hot cup of coffee.

Enjoy grabbing only your debit card and keys to leave the house.

Enjoy lingering at the mall.

Enjoy reading.

Enjoy your crumb-less floor.

Enjoy being able to go out for dinner with your partner.

Enjoy meeting your child-less friends on a whim.

Enjoy plane trips.

Enjoy driving in the car with your music up. LOUD.

Just enjoy the time you have with that little child right there in your tummy because in a few short months that little peanut will be too big to cradle in your arms and will try to wiggle out and go exploring. You’ll get some time away from your baby and you’ll instinctually clutch your tummy but baby wont be there.They grow so fast and time just wont stop ticking.

As much as you should try and enjoy the time before the baby comes, enjoy the time after the baby comes into your life. Embrace those sticky floors and those cold cups of coffee. It wont be long before you’ll have your old life back and your kids will be grown up and doing their own thing. You’ll only know what they are up to because you’ll follow them on Twitter because you’ll be a cool mom that had Twitter since it’s inception.

No matter what stage of mother hood you are at, enjoy it. It’s all wonderful and beautiful. Now go shovel more soft cheeses into your mouth and enjoy that late night drive thru Wendys!

PS: You’re a goddess 😉

Love from,

a mom with crumbs on her feet…

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  • Jessica

    Awww I love the way you said to enjoy the time BEFORE the baby and to also enjoy the time AFTER the baby, that was so sweet!!! I love this!! (And it’s all so true, the before and after) and I love the reminder to enjoy the stage I’m in.

  • Tiffany Henfling

    Oh so true… you don’t get to enjoy many of those things until toddler-hood and others I still haven’t gotten back! LOL

  • Monica Geglio

    Oh my goodness. Messy floors are the WORST. Today my baby threw ALL of his pears on the floor, some strawberries, peanut butter bread (stuck to the floor), AND he shattered one of my stoneware plates into a billion pieces. LOL. My biggest pet peeve with children are most definitely the messy floors. I hate it!!! I can reheat coffee in the microwave and deal with children at restaurants (bc they leave the mess behind) but banana coated hard floors are not my style. 😀

  • Amanda

    A great reminder for all the expectant mothers out there. Well said.

  • Tawnya Faust

    It’s so important to just enjoy the stage and phase of life you’re in, but I agree that that is very challenging at times when you’re pregnant. I was lucky and had a very easy pregnancy but I still wished to hold my little one in my arms :) It’s hard to be happy in the moment!

    Thank you for linking up with us again this week :) xo

    • Stephanie @

      I agree! As much as you try to enjoy being pregnant you can’t wait to get through it and meet that little angel! It’s tough!!


  • TheAdventuresofBugandBoo

    Hahaha this is so true!! Some people love pregnancy, some hate it – I don’t mind it until the end (like now, only a few weeks left and ready to flippin’ burst!!) but I’m trying to savor the last moments of relative calm – where I know how to manage my toddler because it’s just us 2…who knows what throwing another kiddo into the mix will mean! :)
    Stopping by from Saturday Spotlight :)

  • adoringfamily .

    I never thought I’d miss my pregnant belly but what a relief to be nursing my sleeping baby right now. I know it will go by too soon!

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  • Andrea || Mitchael Journey

    HAHA 😀 So great and true 😉 I’m 35 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and swing back and forth between wanting her out already and cherishing the current stage. Pregnancy is literally a pain, but also a gift — so strange! I can barely remember what it’s like to have a newborn, and my son’s only 2 1/2! I remember a lady telling me to enjoy my sleep while I was pregnant, but I guess she forgot that I’m already not getting good sleep! lol — thanks for sharing and linking up with Tuesday Talk!

  • Maria

    This is a wonderful post; something that I would’ve told myself while I was pregnant. I love your sentiment about embracing the time before the baby and after the baby. Oftentimes, some moms are so fixed on the lost of their old life that they don’t realize they have one a hundred times more fantastic right in front of them. Your post is a great reminder of that. Thank you for sharing.

  • laura irion

    HA! #truth! Well said…and I totally remember being newly pregnant and people would tell me I was never going to sleep again. I did not believe them! I truly thought my baby would be different than every other new human that had preceded him. Yeah, no. I still haven’t slept and that was 8 years ago! LOL!

  • Lindsay Gallimore

    This is so true for first-time Moms! I should make myself a list of things to enjoy with just ONE kiddo on my hands, as I’m expecting my second!

  • Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom

    Oh my yes! The things people tell you. I swear pregnancy tests should come with a complimentary set of ear plugs because the “advice” you get from pregnancy into parenthood is non-stop!

    I also remember being near the end of my pregnancy and feeling like I was done with being pregnant. Then 3 1/2 years later I had my second child… oh my! However, you’re right in saying to enjoy all the moments and all the stages. It is beautiful and a gift!

    Great post Stephanie. Thanks for sharing!

  • Tiffany Henfling

    Wonderful post Stephanie – I couldn’t possibly agree more with what you had to say. The things you said about what to enjoy when you’re pregnant are totally correct, I couldn’t agree more!

  • Lysa @ Welcome to My Circus

    Such a great post! I love your if I could go back in time tips to yourself! Oh how very true all of them are.

    Thank you for sharing this post on the SHINE Blog Hop!

    Wishing you a wonderful afternoon!

    Welcome to My Circus
    Co-host #SHINEbloghop 2/5

  • Camesha

    Enjoying it all! My babies are my greatest challenge and my greatest joy. I am constantly in awe of how fast they are growing. Great post!

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  • Julie S.

    This is lovely. I just had my baby a few months ago and yes it is just amazing how quickly they grow.

  • Nelle Monaco

    great post! as a hopefully future mom – this was helpful!

  • Nat

    Such a great reminder! Whenever I’m always fed up with my boys I try to remind myself that one day that won’t want me to hold their hand or play with them or snuggle them all night so I try to enjoy it.

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