[c/o denotes a gifted item. See full disclaimer here]
Wrap: c/o Solly Baby Wrap | Oliver’s Shoes: Padraigs
Babywearing is a beautiful thing. Giving a new mom the ability to soothe her baby and have her hands free to feed herself, use the washroom, or to just feel human again is an amazing gift. I think it’s hard to explain how life changing babywearing really is to someone who hasn’t yet experienced how trapped you can feel when your baby’s need for comfort and soothing takes over your world. Your needs immediately take a back seat but the reality is that your needs STILL need to be met because a happy mom = happy baby. Whether you’re breast feeding or bottle feeding, you’re going to need your hands free to either get yourself a glass of water or to make the baby a bottle.
The act of baby wearing can be a very special bonding experience for both parties whether it’s a mother, father, or grandparents wearing the baby. It was suggested to me to wear my baby without a shirt or bra (skin-to-skin) to help improve my milk supply.
Both my husband and I have worn our baby since birth in all sorts of carriers: Baby Bjorn, Evenflo Snugli, Boba , Moby
, Solly… the list goes on! If that’s all greek to you, I’ll break it down for you.
Soft Structured Carriers:
ex: Boba , Ergo, Tula, Beco…
We use our Soft Structured Carrier when we want to wear the baby for an extended period of time (1 hr +) or are doing rigerous activities like hiking or in my husbands case, stacking wood at the cottage! There are usually two heavy duty buckles that are easy to do up on your own and are very structured, hence the name! Each brand has their own list of features and fit the body differently but all get the job done! There are different weight limits for all carriers but when it comes to soft structured carriers, the weight limits can go up as high as 50 lbs.
I don’t have much experience with slings, although I did wear Oliver a few times in an Evenflo Snugli sling that he was buckled into. He was able to sleep as if he was wrapped up in my arms but I was able to be hands free. This is where my baby wearing began. I remember my first day trying this: my husband was back at work and all the family had gone home 2 weeks after Oliver was born. I felt like every time I set him down, he shrieked and nothing would soothe him. The first time I was able to eat food while still carrying him was GLORIOUS!
ex: Solly Baby Wrap, Moby …
I wear my wraps around the house, usually while blogging or doing housework. Oliver is able to be front and centre and snuggled right into my chest. Wraps can be a little intimidating looking and there is a bit of a learning curve. I suggest sitting on the couch or a bed when you first try putting the baby in it just so you aren’t stressed about baby falling. The amount of fabric can be a little intimidating (not to mention HOT) so that’s why I’ve switched to the Solly Baby Wrap exclusively. It’s light weight, breathable t-shirt material, and comes in fabulous colours. The material your wrap is made of will dictate the weight limit.
Here’s a great tutorial on how to tie your wrap for a “Classic Carry” (note: there’s a different carry for newborn) from the owner of Solly Baby Wraps! Elle knows her stuff!
Do you baby wear? If so, what carrier/s do you use?
PS: I’ll be sharing this post on these lovely blogs!